02:17:27 https://www.colorado.edu/asmagazine/2024/08/01/uncovered-euripides-fragments-are-kind-big-deal 03:56:43 https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/08/nasa-likely-to-significantly-delay-the-launch-of-crew-9-due-to-starliner-issues/ 03:57:38 "However, there is also another surprising reason for the delay—the need to update Starliner’s flight software. Three separate, well-placed sources have confirmed to Ars that the current flight software on board Starliner cannot perform an automated undocking from the space station and entry into Earth’s atmosphere." 16:33:16 https://blog.google/products/google-nest/chromecast-history/ 16:33:41 "After 11 years and over 100 million devices sold, we're ending production of Chromecast" 16:58:33 I use mine every day 17:00:01 https://prospect.org/power/2024-06-27-government-created-most-profitable-company-verisign/ 17:01:17 https://www.crowdstrike.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Channel-File-291-Incident-Root-Cause-Analysis-08.06.2024.pdf 17:22:45 https://killedbygoogle.com/ 17:22:49 waiting to see it pop up here 18:59:27 Thor (Pirate Software) Talking abount the stop kill games initiative that was discussed briefly here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioqSvLqB46Y 19:16:31 I'm sorry, but that client-server argument is terrible. there are e.g. private WoW and City of Heroes servers that keep some of these "live service" games alive. 19:17:44 the issue is that, of course, the service backend is not available to users so these games disappear 19:18:22 "this is bad for the industry because then we wouldn't have live service games anymore" 19:18:27 how is this bad lol 19:19:23 ok I had to click out of the video after only 6 minutes. lots of bad faith arguments 19:21:14 yeah 19:22:02 I do understand that the initiative could have been more clearer on certain issues, but then again it is the initial initiative so thats fine 19:57:53 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/702347772615196712/1270450531285991566/xKY8UtM.webp?ex=66b3bec2&is=66b26d42&hm=9e2d89379a308bdc5e16e2cb1407a98b6229967ceadf44752f2b511ee088fbca& 20:00:59 https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/06/tech/musk-x-sues-garm-advertising-boycott/index.html 20:02:40 Oh, this is going to be entertaining. 20:03:59 > X claims Unilever, Mars, CVS, Ørsted, and dozens of other brands conspired to “collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising revenue” 20:04:09 boycotting is illegal? 20:15:07 Bloody media outlets not linking to the sources, so this took a bit longer than I wanted, but here's the filing: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/25033227/x-v-garm.pdf 20:33:19 you archived it right? :P 20:34:39 Duh 20:34:49 :-) 20:53:39 the things you discover when digging through old floppies 20:54:07 discovered a win3.1 install with microsoft text changed to "Z-nix" and had to research wtf that was 20:54:08 https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19920707&slug=1500997 20:54:24 turns out some company was bundling windows 3.1 with their mice 21:00:01 wat 21:01:12 ahhaha "hey microsoft can we bundle windows with our hardware? *shh don't tell them it's a mouse*" 21:02:23 actually, I read that wrong, they were selling windows 3.1 upgrades _without_ mice 21:30:00 o_O 22:03:25 Wait, didn't Elon literally say "fuck off" to advertisers in that one interview? 22:04:36 yes 22:04:37 No, not literally. It was 'go fuck yourself'. 22:04:58 close enough they have the same message 22:05:01 :-P 22:05:04 my bad, the actual quote is worse 22:07:58 it's a thing that can be done 22:08:02 though it's a bit of a talent 22:08:47 fireonlive bonk++ 22:08:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 70 karma! 22:09:04 😵‍💫