00:00:13 who even maintains youtube-dl these days? 00:00:21 I only know the ytdl-nightly repo 01:34:22 Public Work: a search engine for public domain images https://public.work/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41162216 01:34:29 is it just me or does the search results page suck lol 05:40:54 heaven banning: https://x.com/nearcyan/status/1821663160396607670?s=12 05:40:54 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/nearcyan/status/1821663160396607670 05:50:07 https://x.com/bluecow009/status/1821205769536074192?s=12 05:50:08 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/bluecow009/status/1821205769536074192 05:51:56 What is heaven banning? 13:52:28 "The future of F/OSS continues to be AGPL" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41178808 13:52:28 "The complexity of BUSL transformation" https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/984249/8b7d0d5e28d96241/ 13:53:45 yarrow: youtube-dl is dead 14:56:22 fireonlive: that fractal encryption sounds like something that would fail with even the most basic cryptanalysis 14:57:01 also lol that it apparently encrypts to floating point 14:58:05 lol they used chatcpt for part of the creation apparently 14:59:31 *chatgpt 15:23:46 Barto: re journalists, what did they respond with? 16:34:01 it did sound rather silly :D 17:36:15 https://nichegamer.com/skibidi-toilet-files-dmca-against-garrys-mod/ 17:36:20 we are in the worst timeline 18:23:27 https://www.wired.com/story/amd-chip-sinkclose-flaw/ 18:23:39 computers were a mistake. we should've left sand alone. 18:25:22 meh, it's just another SMM thing 18:25:57 has any malware actually used SMM to persist? 18:26:54 ask NSO 18:48:13 pabs: need to work on this. She asked interesting questions that i need to ask you too 19:31:38 <@firebot> @todayininfosec: 2010: Malware circulated on 4chan in the form of a PNG file which displayed text asking to convert it into a .HTA file, then run it. 19:31:39 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/todayininfosec/status/1821935311145808082 19:31:40 :D 19:33:25 Need to move 1.2 exabytes across the world every day? Just Effingo https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/06/google_effingo/ 21:30:55 -+rss- .INTERNAL is now reserved for private-use applications: https://www.icann.org/en/board-activities-and-meetings/materials/approved-resolutions-special-meeting-of-the-icann-board-29-07-2024-en#section2.a https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41203368 21:31:02 well you all know me, but even i think that's a bit too long