00:33:17 imagine, for a moment: you, right here, in this moment. nothing else but you. 00:39:24 is that selfish? 00:39:34 does that matter? 00:39:43 is this nothing but a sandbox for ourselves 00:40:08 Does anyone really Exist or is this like a version of heaven banning but not all heaven 00:40:24 Imagine everyone and everything you ever knew is just part of some AI 00:43:51 what would we even be archiving to then 00:45:55 oh my God all the penises would not be real 00:46:00 Holy shit 01:07:32 https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/pull/11132 01:07:39 fireonlive bonk++ 01:07:39 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 76 karma! 01:07:48 😵‍💫 05:10:49 https://x.com/dmitrygr/status/1822104752253288786 05:10:49 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/dmitrygr/status/1822104752253288786 14:47:13 fireonlive: I raise you the Boltzmann brain. 17:11:09 ooh 22:06:47 talking at defcon about shadow libraries right now https://www.twitch.tv/defcon_dctv_five 22:09:14 https://youtu.be/sEVBiN5SKuA FAQ that goes over some of the PirateSoftware (Thor) questions about #StopKillingGames from last time