02:30:20 https://liliputing.com/sandisk-introduces-the-first-8tb-sd-and-4tb-microsd-cards/ 03:51:33 I have a lot of questions. the article quotes sandisk as saying "for tomorrow smartphones..." are there any modern smartphones with sd card slots? 03:52:29 also I remember smartphones that did support sd cards (usually lower end) had weirdly low limits, as in "up to 128GB sd card" which I'm not sure was a limitation of UFS or whatever filesystem phones use 05:04:40 I think the SD card protocol had limits on block numbers and such 05:04:47 so it wasn't due to the filesystem 05:05:33 SD supports up to 2GB 05:05:44 SDHC max 32GB 05:05:49 SDXC max 2TB 07:46:29 https://www.reddit.com/r/NewMaxx/comments/1ep9yv7/addlink_d60_nas_m2_nvme_ssds_192tb_22444/ 07:47:39 Interesting ssd with rare features 11:58:38 hi, does anybody know how to bulk add stuff to a list on archive.org? i'm working on archiving a channel using tubeup 12:01:09 bafphed: something along the 'ia' tool? https://archive.org/developers/internetarchive/ 12:04:09 bafphed: i'm not sure what you mean by 'bulk add stuff to a list', but it seems like you might want https://archive.org/developers/internetarchive/cli.html; however, note that (a) uploading entire channels is somewhat frowned upon unless there's reason to believe that they're at risk (in which case you should request them in #down-the-tube) and (b) your question is probably 12:04:11 better asked in #internetarchive 12:04:34 er, specifically https://archive.org/developers/internetarchive/cli.html#modifying-metadata-in-bulk 12:11:26 thank you thuban 12:11:37 and barto