00:19:48 I wish I had 10% of that confidence 00:58:49 https://salsa.debian.org/pere/debian-assessment-form/-/raw/master/debian-form.pdf?ref_type=heads 01:00:20 I want to know the story behind 'Petter broke it'. 01:37:16 I wonder if "pacman -Syu" means "I tried this arch command on debian and it didn't work" or it means "we forgot to change this part of the form when adapting it from the arch community" :D 01:48:54 JAA: pere == Petter 01:49:11 self-degradation :) 01:51:31 nicolas17: I expect its a joke, because in Debian pacman is a game, which can lead to hilarity https://packages.debian.org/sid/pacman https://bugs.debian.org/752114 01:52:06 btw why does Debian not install 'sl' by default 01:52:13 it should be in the base image 01:54:58 "Interestingly /usr/games/pacman seems to swallow the given options without issues" yes that's what pacman does, except for --ghost 02:11:00 pabs: Aw, I was hoping for an in-joke about how Petter repeatedly broke important Debian systems etc. :-) 02:12:43 :) I've less than zero complaints about pere 02:14:19 :-) 02:31:05 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/559767043620995105/1272743579323727922/funny-dump-ouch-schadenfreude-Good-morning.mp4?ex=66bc1653&is=66bac4d3&hm=dce3eb813879193fd43d6977b6f6167299b10693a75a94d28ef9e4754cadc33d& 02:31:08 oops too much friction 02:31:54 a tragedy in three acts 03:18:55 https://x.com/DylanMcD8/status/1822927923558383906 03:18:55 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/DylanMcD8/status/1822927923558383906 14:50:32 JAA: I think it's derived from "Allan broke it" from https://i.redd.it/aclopc97a83z.jpg, with Allan being the main dev of pacman (but is also part of Arch Linux staff) 14:51:16 kpcyrd: Ah. Next question: where does 'Allan broke it' come from? :-P 14:51:38 "... broke it" is an Arch Linux meme but I think it's older than I've been staff so I don't know for sure 14:52:01 people also sometimes have brokeit as suffix on their irc handle 14:52:11 Ah 14:54:27 afaik it's about (jokingly) assigning blame for some kind of problem to a single individual 14:55:52 Yeah, we blamed fionera for any breakages here for a while. :-) 14:57:00 * kpcyrd documenting hyper-niche subcultural context 20:11:56 hm, scihub court case is in 10 days 20:22:52 is it streamed? 20:23:22 ^ asking the right questions right there :-) 21:05:51 fionera was our resident telegram url destroyer 21:13:09 We need you to work your magic for a few days to get the queue back down :D 22:52:00 does Electron have two copies of the V8 Javascript engine, one as part of node.js and another as part of Chromium? 22:56:15 "Electron in a simplified way is an attempt to replace the V8 engine used in Chromium with the new more general purpose oriented one of Node.js. It exposes a few extra APIs to node.js to allow for opening chromium windows, but also every chromium window using a