05:44:22 https://cybersecuritynews.com/0-click-rce-windows-tcp-ip/ 05:53:14 https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/14/august_patch_tuesday_ipv6/ 14:21:14 hey, i built a small tool to archive new comments on a public website as the mods are a bit trigger happy with the delete button. currently i'm using https://github.com/overcast07/wayback-machine-spn-scripts to throw the links into SPN, however i hit daily limit of 5 captures if there are multiple comments on the same post. 14:21:36 any ideas of what to do? maybe use another archive website? i want them to be publicly accessible 14:25:13 → #archiveteam-bs 16:05:52 just noticed that my internetarchive account is gone 16:07:50 There was a 'glitch' a month ago. 16:11:32 ouch 16:11:51 so i would need to create a new one, right? 16:11:54 Also, → #internetarchive if you're not just venting. :-) 16:12:00 true 16:12:02 my bad 17:11:48 IF YOU DISABLE IPV6 BECAUSE OF WINDOWS CVE-2024-38063 INSTEAD OF INSTALLING THE SECURITY PATCH I WILL STAB YOU IN THE FACE 17:16:04 1. Disable IPv6 network-wide. 2. Update everything and verify it's fixed. 3. Enable IPv6 again. 17:31:39 ipv6.disable=1 till i die 17:32:06 If you insist... 17:32:21 * JAA grabs the hatchet. 17:32:32 ips were good and then they started adding letters to it 17:33:12 c0.a8.00.01 17:33:13 nicolas17, does it support patches below Windows 10? :p 17:33:35 Ryz: yes Windows Server 2008 has fixes 17:33:44 nukke backports stuff to windows xp sp1 17:33:55 Excluding the server stuff 17:34:08 Just to clarify 17:34:10 No, because it's end of life and shouldn't be used in any networked environment anymore. 17:35:46 (Not that Windows should be used in general, but that's another topic.) 17:37:46 :D 17:39:11 By the way, why does it have a CVSS of 9.8, not 10? Which part of it *isn't* that bad? 17:40:15 Maybe because an official patch is available? But that's kind of ridiculous. 17:41:19 Hmm, and 'Exploit Code Maturity: Unproven', but I'm not sure I'd trust them on that. 17:41:36 ah yeah there is no actual exploit 17:42:05 if there was an in-the-wild easy-to-use exploit it would be much worse 17:42:24 Also kind of silly to include that in the severity rating, in my opinion. It's not a property of the vulnerability. 18:32:25 https://watch.paramountpictures.com/ 18:32:39 lolwut? 20:56:39 looks like their gateway needs spanking 21:06:39 naughty gateway 22:45:15 for some reason it's from this website? https://web.archive.org/web/20150819005923/http://when-will.net/tv-series/329-when-will-the-blacklist-season-3-premiere-release-date-september-2015.html 22:47:04 when-will.net has been down for a while, so i guess this means that the gateway was like this for over 9 years 23:09:18 Jokes on you guys I dont have IPV6 capability on my isp according to the tests I just ran