01:37:42 datechnoman: sadly the cluster isnt really existing anymore :( 02:03:08 Disney tries to argue that if you've ever accepted the Disney+ ToS, they can literally kill someone and you can't sue them over it https://apnews.com/article/disney-allergy-death-lawsuit-nyu-doctor-florida-4bdaf74e2c889882b23b319ec720680a 02:59:38 fionera awww dam. That sucks! 04:56:48 Ironically(?), (assuming Disney's argument were to actually succeed), had he pirated the content instead of using Disney+, he would've been in a *better* legal position in this lawsuit. https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/sXYHm/screenshot.png (screenshot source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUO59pw3r6k comments) 04:58:07 last year I uploaded a TV program to archive.org 04:59:14 today I got a review saying "could you upload the 2024 season too? I was trying to do it but my Internet is bad" and this is how I find out that there was a 2024 season and I missed it :| 05:18:23 Cisco laying off people again https://web.archive.org/web/20240815013940/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/14/technology/cisco-layoffs.html 16:02:44 https://climatejustice.social/@504DR/112963396298364233/embed 17:43:36 JAA: https://github.com/PatrickJS/everyone-ssn-usa 17:48:58 :-) 18:02:33 https://github.com/PatrickJS/everyone-ssn-usa/pull/1 uhh 18:15:08 Dango360: click the link in the issue description :P 18:16:01 i found out 2 minutes after sending 18:17:00 Wasn't there an 'identity protection' service thingy whose CEO released their SSN a few years ago to prove how good it was, only for the SSN to be abused widely? 18:18:00 Yeah, LifeLock 21:00:27 https://fixupx.com/dante_leoncini/status/1824287378443256240 there's a mini-Blender written from scratch for Symbian :| 21:00:27 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/dante_leoncini/status/1824287378443256240