00:46:35 https://github.com/kpcyrd/what-the-src/pull/34 adding a live-bootstrap integration 01:05:31 there you go https://whatsrc.org/artifact/sha256:c365874794187f8444e5d22998cd5888ffa47f36def4b77517a808dec27c0600 04:28:54 Intel SGX root of trust compromised https://twiiit.com/_markel___/status/1828112481254047915 04:31:25 * pabs SPN the nitter thread 04:37:32 ooo nice, can't wait for an exploit so we can run homebrew software on intel 05:20:51 SGX is their "confidential computing" play 05:21:28 ie run your code on someone else's Intel CPU and be able to "trust" them 11:02:10 How much faster telegram premium vs none? should i buy if i downloading TB of files? 11:07:17 How much faster telegram premium vs none? should i buy if i downloading TB of files? 20:59:07 https://www.mono-project.com/ 20:59:25 Microsoft donated Mono to the Wine project 23:13:34 to add on to what's happening with mono: "Source code in existing mono/mono and other repos will remain available, although repos may be archived. Binaries will remain available for up to four years." 23:31:24 seems reasonable at least