03:27:43 any news about fireonlive? 03:36:34 I haven't heard back from his friend in a week, so I'm not sure to be honest. 10:27:34 steering: damn 11:44:16 https://digitalcourage.social/@echo_pbreyer/113055345076289453 chat control is back :/ 13:39:08 katia: the EU consists of two main parts: one whose job is to propose horrible laws, and one whose job is to vote no. I wouldn't get alarmed every time the first part proposes a horrible law unless it looks like the second part is going to vote yes. 13:40:20 also there isn't anything here. this just says someone wants to protect the children (when don't they? everything a government does is to protect the children, even the really bad stuff) 14:37:32 https://digitalpreservation-blog.nb.no/blog/2024-08-28-rearchiving-2-million-hours-of-digital-radio/ 14:55:25 katia: move to the USA 16:12:53 !help 16:13:49 Whats the one to check reminders? 16:14:10 I am pretty sure I have to do some downsampling of influxdb data 16:14:15 !reminders 16:14:48 !remindme 1mo Downsample grafana 16:14:49 -eggdrop- [remind] ok, i'll remind you at 2024-09-30T16:14:48Z 16:24:52 kiska, 2024-08-01 19:37:16 kiska !remindme 30d downsample grafana 16:25:02 hmm 16:25:49 the reminder is due soon 16:25:53 in 1h 17:37:16 [remind] kiska: downsample grafana 22:02:48 katia: Yeah, of course they keep reproposing it. They only need to succeed once.