00:05:26 https://x.com/deanjnorris got compromised again for a second time this week lol 00:05:26 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/deanjnorris 00:38:34 * JAA resets the 'days since hardcoded admin credentials were discovered in a Cisco product' counter. 00:38:42 https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cisco-warns-of-backdoor-admin-account-in-smart-licensing-utility/ 05:06:37 "we use cisco because we know we can rely on it" - some enterprise guy somewhere 10:13:49 https://imgur.com/D3MApDq Quality update coming to two juniper switches. Port naming scheme change done with update. 15:31:48 hmm the new element update seemed to remove the ability to search for messages in a channel, unless I'm just not seeing it 15:43:56 nvm found it, it's in room info sidebar. that's some shitty design 15:45:51 Element is designed by GNOME rejects 15:46:29 same mindset of "simplify everything at the expense of UX" 15:54:17 matrix sucks, wats new... 18:29:31 discord++ 18:29:32 -eggdrop- [karma] 'discord' now has -16 karma! 21:16:12 nukke failtrole, wats new... 21:26:00 add me on discord if you wanna chat 21:26:10 otherwise I'm just gonna ignore you :) 21:29:49 Discord-- 21:29:50 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Discord' now has -17 karma! 21:31:10 >:( 21:31:19 do it nukke, ignore me 21:35:44 1 hour and 13 minute GamersNexus video on EK just dropped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VjYFdHMC3A 21:47:56 Also, Boeing's cursed space capsule is about to attempt undocking from ISS and return to Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_79y0yZs0dc 21:49:35 Yes, Rico, kaboom. 21:54:30 "Crew Flight Test" >.> 21:58:27 De-Crewed Flight Test 21:58:48 stuckliner 22:08:53 #boeing 22:13:44 Undocked and out of the keep-out-sphere without exploding! 22:17:55 The hell is a 'statute mile' though? 22:29:02 some imperial crap :p 22:29:19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile#Statute 22:30:34 Yeah, I found that as well, and it didn't tell me the value they use. Probably referring to the US survey mile instead? Why is this even a thing in spaceflight? 22:30:59 Surely it's all metric, right? 22:31:04 you'd be wrong 22:31:11 :-( 22:31:12 apollo was metric, shuttle not 22:31:41 they thought they'd save cost by going imperial... lol, now they have two toolboxes in spaces 22:31:50 because, the russians aint using imperial 22:31:53 Well, and the Mars Climate Orbiter was metric except where it wasn't and then oops. 22:32:37 Such a mess... 22:38:33 Americans thinking if they had gone metric: https://transfer.archivete.am/ftZ45/media_B3J6a5NCEAABDdJ.jpg 22:38:34 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/ftZ45/media_B3J6a5NCEAABDdJ.jpg 22:40:44 :-) 22:45:00 JAA: a friend tweeted this pic of the starliner https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GW08jrFWEAAmFkO.jpg 22:47:13 lol