04:15:11 Haven't heard anything more about fireonlive from the friend who told me or his mother, I've just messaged his sister and his ex so we'll see... :( 04:24:29 Thanks steering :/ 08:59:51 nicolas17, how old is your SSD, and what is the model? 09:02:30 Most recent SSDs don't use MLC, but rather TLC (unless you meant MLC as in Multi-level Cell instead of 2bit per cell as the word is often used to mean, then you would be correct) 10:40:16 steering: thank you :( 10:40:33 yeah, here's hoping for positive news too... 11:16:57 “Hi. Cedric passed away at 3:30 pm yesterday. He was sedated and his heart just slowly stopped. It was very peaceful. Katie and I were with him.” 11:17:06 ^ fireonlive 11:24:58 ... RIP fireonlive :( So sorry to hear that. You will be missed 11:26:42 nulldata arkiver kiska JAA Barto 11:27:09 Our thoughts are with their family at this tough time 11:28:46 :'( RIP fireonlive 11:28:51 :( 11:29:07 I've known him for over half our lilves, it's tough to believe he's gone 12:38:04 :'( 12:41:39 RIP fireonlive the channels wont be the same without you :( 12:42:53 very sad news about fireonlive :( 12:46:28 :( 13:39:21 this is very sad news :( 13:40:20 you will be truly missed fireonlive 13:40:50 fucl 13:40:52 fuck* 13:42:49 life's unfair 13:54:06 steering: a big thanks to transmit that message to us. My condolences to his relatives, friends and family. 14:06:55 RIP fireonlive 14:34:23 Sad news, thanks for sharing. 14:43:07 Holy shit, that's horrible 14:57:34 Fuck :( 14:58:07 RIP fireonlive 15:04:35 My thoughts and condolences to his family :( 15:06:15 RIP fireonlive, you'll be missed :( 15:08:41 My thoughts to you as well steering. Thank you for letting us know 15:14:28 RIP :/ 15:23:42 nooooooo! RIP fire :'( 15:26:36 fireonlive: thanks for your service 15:37:19 :< yeah, condolences 16:01:22 Fuck :-( You will be missed indeed. 16:04:14 I remember when he PRIVMSG me to ask what kind of litter I had for my cat, as his would leave paw traces. 16:24:11 shit :( 16:44:39 someone's looking after the cat, right? 16:45:51 yes thuban (from what i understood from steering) 17:53:34 RIP fireonlive :( 17:56:10 RIP fireonlive 17:56:17 Was not expecting this :( 17:56:22 same :( 17:57:16 fireonlive++ 17:57:17 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 75 karma! 17:57:18 :( 19:14:08 RIP. 20:12:24 damn.. sending fireonlive's name out on the clacks 20:12:38 and sending hugs to anyone who could do with one 20:53:50 not the news I wanted to wake up to. Rest easy fireonlive rest easy friend 20:56:39 fireonlive++ 20:56:39 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 76 karma! 20:56:56 whilst eggdrop is still up gonna give this man the karma he fucking deserves 21:00:50 i almost suggested earlier that we reduce his karma to 69 21:01:51 steering: Any planned funeral? Please keep me updated if there's some opportunity to send flowers (and if this will be well received). 21:02:42 ^ 21:05:50 Fleurop seems to allow me to send something to his country. 21:16:15 sometimes it's the funeral service that offers this, to make sure it will be present during the ceremony 21:25:37 it has been about 8 hours since I saw the message and I haven't ... internalized the news yet 21:27:12 its gonna take a bit to sink in. Kinda waiting for a discord message from him saying shhh lets see how long we can keep this going or something but I know it isnt coming. He will be missed by all of us here 21:43:16 Everyone is different on how they process this stuff. The final disconnect will be hard. 22:16:11 I also wonder if this is ultimately covid's fault 23:05:34 covid-- 23:05:34 -eggdrop- [karma] 'covid' now has -1 karma!