07:06:35 Any page on ArchiveTeam's website about remembering people lost? 07:06:43 A bit like this debian page https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/project-history/obituaries.en.html 07:08:04 Flashfire42: Sort of feeling the same, sort of waiting for him to send something such as "hey it was all a joke"... but not sure if it'll ever happen 07:18:52 I have no idea if fireonlive is the first one, but (and I hate to say it) he probably won't be the last one.. :/ 08:03:12 fireonlive++ 08:03:12 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 78 karma! 08:06:24 fireonlive++ 08:06:24 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 79 karma! 08:07:39 RIP fireonlive :'( 08:07:44 fireonlive++ 08:07:45 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 80 karma! 08:17:18 oh fuck. RIP fireonlive... 08:19:58 fireonlive++ 08:19:59 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 81 karma! 08:20:13 !kbest 08:20:13 -eggdrop- [karma] JAA: 101 fireonlive: 81 fireonlive bonk: 76 eggdrop: 54 pokechu22: 45 arkiver: 36 katia: 35 Ryz: 33 c3manu: 26 datechnoman: 23 08:20:42 fireonlive++ 08:20:43 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 82 karma! 08:20:44 fireonlive++ 08:20:45 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 83 karma! 08:20:46 fireonlive++ 08:20:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 84 karma! 08:20:48 fireonlive++ 08:20:48 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 85 karma! 08:20:58 fireonlive++ 08:20:59 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 86 karma! 08:21:01 fireonlive++ 08:21:12 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 87 karma! 08:22:58 fireonlive++ 08:22:58 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 88 karma! 08:23:11 fireonlive++ 08:23:55 fireonlive++ 08:23:56 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 89 karma! 08:42:35 fireonlive++ 08:42:36 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 90 karma! 08:53:42 fireonlive++ 08:53:43 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 91 karma! 08:53:58 fireonlive++ 08:53:58 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 92 karma! 08:54:28 fireonlive++ 08:54:28 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 93 karma! 08:54:32 fireonlive++ 08:54:33 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 94 karma! 08:54:34 fireonlive++ 08:54:35 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 95 karma! 08:54:36 fireonlive++ 08:54:36 fireonlive++ 08:54:37 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 96 karma! 08:54:39 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 97 karma! 08:54:39 fireonlive++ 08:54:41 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 98 karma! 08:55:52 fireonlive++ 08:55:52 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 99 karma! 08:55:53 fireonlive++ 08:55:54 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 100 karma! 08:56:25 ;_; 08:57:21 fireonlive++ 08:57:22 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 101 karma! 09:00:15 fireonlive++ 09:00:16 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 102 karma! 09:00:21 !kbest 09:00:21 -eggdrop- [karma] fireonlive: 102 JAA: 101 fireonlive bonk: 76 eggdrop: 54 pokechu22: 45 arkiver: 36 katia: 35 Ryz: 33 c3manu: 26 datechnoman: 23 09:00:26 o7 09:03:46 let's get to 150 09:03:49 fireonlive++ 09:03:49 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 103 karma! 09:03:59 fireonlive++ 09:04:04 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 104 karma! 09:04:11 fireonlive++ 09:04:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 105 karma! 09:47:29 Barto, Flashfire42: I haven't heard specifically, but doubt there will be a funeral. 09:48:35 I would suggest donations to IA in lieu of flowers 09:55:02 His friend is trying to get time off work to go take care of his stuff, once he's able to do that I should be able to get access to most of his systems, I know I need to look for eggdrop, firebot, and the pipelines, but if y'all know of anything else I need to look for please PM me. 10:14:55 rip fireonlive, didn't even know ya but evidently a big part of the community 11:30:38 fireonlive++ 11:30:39 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 106 karma! 11:36:57 fireonlive++ 11:36:57 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 107 karma! 11:52:26 fireonlive++ 11:52:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 108 karma! 11:57:10 fireonlive++ 11:57:10 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 109 karma! 12:06:51 steering++ 12:06:52 -eggdrop- [karma] 'steering' now has 6 karma! 12:08:11 ... This is not the news I wanted to read when deciding to check up on -ot. 12:08:22 o7 fireonlive 12:09:40 steering: I sure hope we can keep eggdrop or firebot online. A little bit of his still living on 12:10:51 fireonlive++ 12:10:51 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 110 karma! 12:11:05 fireonlive++ 12:11:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 111 karma! 12:11:53 fireonlive++ 12:11:53 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 112 karma! 12:11:55 fireonlive++ 12:11:55 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 113 karma! 12:11:57 fireonlive++ 12:11:57 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 114 karma! 12:13:10 I'm a bit concerned about firebot, I know what the bot itself is and that's no problem, but I don't know where the feeds come into it from, I think IFTTT or something 12:13:53 the eggdrop should be no problem, other than that his friend's only connection to the outside world at work is apparently 28kbps 12:14:33 firebot is https://jfr.im/git/erebus.git 12:14:56 steering: do you remember what functions firebot all has? 12:16:19 I think most can be reverse engineered when access is gained to the box 12:17:36 On a non sequitur, I support the idea of an memorial wiki page. JAA, thoughts? 12:18:14 I guess it doesn't matter now. Erebus is my pet project. 12:18:34 Oh lol 12:18:35 I don't think there's anything custom on firebot 12:18:44 Convenient? I guess? 12:19:07 Pretty sure the only reason he used it is because I was like "hey you can use mine and then I can say someone else uses it" 12:19:31 That's still useful 12:19:58 The main thing I always knew firebot for doing was the reddark channel 12:20:02 But that's not been a thing for a whil 12:20:26 I thought it was being used for some of the feeds but apparently that's a separate RSS bot, actually I think it's h2i or something if I'm remembering correctly 12:20:43 h2ibot does a lot of weird things 12:20:49 It's literally a http to irc bridge 12:21:34 yeah, as mentioned I think it's IFTTT or something like that feeding into it, so it would make sense 12:22:31 yeah the RSS account is the one that does not like netsplits and did all the feeds. 12:27:12 Hmh 12:32:49 we should be able to get access to his computers and his password manager though so yeah it should be too hard to find stuff. 12:32:55 +n't 12:38:09 talking about reddit: saw a funny ban evasion method recently on a sub: the banned user bought ad space to get his content back into the sub he was banned from 12:53:00 Also, do we know of any sites of fireonlive? I feel it only appropriate that we archive them 13:01:38 I don't think he really had anything public. 13:06:18 all the things that are should have been archived already 13:06:41 well the ones shared here at least 13:14:37 That's useful. I figured it was worth asking 13:24:33 and as sobering as it is this is a good time to bring up the idea that if you're running anything at all (even if its just for you or family), document what's important, who uses it, and what it does. and if you're living with with someone less technical its a good idea to give get them in contact with someone (preferably a friend lol) who can step 13:24:33 in and help copy important things and tear it all down if you become incapacitated or pass unexpectedly 13:26:38 Yeah. 14:20:12 And keep in mind that there can be problems in implementing it :) 14:21:07 His friend has all the passwords, I know how to run it all, but his friend works in remote locations and the best communication is... SMS via satellite. 14:22:42 (and I didn't even have contact info for his friend, he had mine) 15:27:56 fireonlive++ 15:27:57 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 116 karma! 15:50:56 steering: fireonlive has/had a Solanum IRCd running @ irc.fireon.live 15:51:06 my understanding is it was a test solanum instance 15:51:12 (still is, actually) 16:18:29 I should touch up that documentation for that router I set up at the elderly relative's place as there is some more things added since I last set it up alongside the fact I didn't keep the same admin password to the router when I changed it 16:19:28 It is the one on the case, but I should make it easy if someone else has to take over 16:20:41 I can still connect to irc.fireon.live port 6697 16:20:59 has a few joke channels here and there 16:21:08 Actually, probably only 3 or 4 16:34:48 f_: yeah, it's on the same box as hiz znc here, and hopefully some of the other stuff 16:35:08 His TheLounge->ZNC weird setup you mean? 16:35:50 monoxane: that kind of documentation is so much work tho ._. 16:48:46 fireonlive++ 16:48:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 117 karma! 17:08:26 fireonlive++ 17:08:27 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 118 karma! 17:08:42 rewby: Yeah, a memorial page sounds good. 17:32:23 anyone know if there's a flag to make curl or wget fetch URL(s) from a file? 17:32:38 I've got here a 135KB URL found in the wild and kinda wanna see if it even works 17:34:49 f_: IDK, he said "it's where my main znc is lol" about irc.fireon.live 17:35:04 steering: wget has --input-file. 17:35:20 JAA: IMO a memorial page about everyone the community lost would be great 17:35:42 fireonlive++ 17:35:42 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 119 karma! 17:35:47 JAA: thx. unsurprisingly, it gives 414 uri too large. Freaking tracking pixels (I'm pretty sure that's what it's supposed to be) 17:40:49 Heh 17:49:46 irc++ 17:49:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'irc' now has 8 karma! 17:49:59 grepping logs > trying to search through history in $IM_app 17:50:10 :-) 17:50:23 :) 17:50:25 fireonlive++ 17:50:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 120 karma! 18:26:45 fireonlive++ 18:26:46 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 121 karma! 18:40:30 fireonlive++ 18:40:31 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 122 karma! 18:54:22 fireonlive++ 18:54:22 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 123 karma! 18:54:24 fireonlive++ 18:54:24 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 124 karma! 18:54:26 fireonlive++ 18:54:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 125 karma! 18:54:28 fireonlive++ 18:54:28 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 126 karma! 19:01:45 fireonlive++ 19:01:46 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 127 karma! 19:01:46 fireonlive++ 19:01:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 128 karma! 19:01:47 fireonlive++ 19:01:49 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 129 karma! 19:01:51 fireonlive++ 19:01:51 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 130 karma! 19:13:23 fireonlive++ 19:13:24 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 131 karma! 19:13:25 fireonlive++ 19:13:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 132 karma! 19:13:27 fireonlive++ 19:13:28 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 133 karma! 19:13:29 fireonlive++ 19:13:30 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 134 karma! 19:13:31 fireonlive++ 19:18:45 steering: thanks for the answer, good luck 19:27:59 in memory of fireonlive... may the grass be ever comfy LOL 19:52:18 fireonlive++ 19:52:18 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 135 karma! 19:52:32 Are we shooting for 169? 19:53:08 420? 19:53:21 fireonlive++ 19:53:21 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 136 karma! 19:53:24 fireonlive++ 19:53:25 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 137 karma! 19:53:28 fireonlive++ 19:53:28 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 138 karma! 19:53:29 fireonlive++ 19:53:30 fireonlive++ 19:53:30 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 139 karma! 19:53:34 fireonlive++ 19:53:51 42,069 19:53:51 damn you limit 19:53:52 rate limiting-- 19:53:53 -eggdrop- [karma] 'rate limiting' now has -1 karma! 19:55:01 1337 19:55:59 fireonlive++ 19:56:11 damn ratelimiting 19:56:12 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 140 karma! 19:59:34 fireonlive++ 19:59:34 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 141 karma! 20:03:42 steering / rewby: i think fireon.live was mostly for services/image uploads, but there's some public content like https://irc.fireon.live/hackint/channels.html 20:04:12 fireonlive++ 20:04:13 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 142 karma! 20:04:14 fireonlive++ 20:04:15 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 143 karma! 20:04:16 fireonlive++ 20:04:17 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 144 karma! 20:04:18 fireonlive++ 20:04:19 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 145 karma! 20:04:34 fireonlive++ 20:04:35 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 146 karma! 20:26:21 fireonlive++ 20:26:22 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 147 karma! 20:47:28 420,691,337? 20:47:57 surprised pikachu @ cohost 20:49:43 steering: did you know 0x69000 bytes = 420KiB? 20:53:35 :o 21:51:06 fireonlive++ 21:51:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 148 karma!