04:18:21 https://i.imgur.com/JJzVgIS.png 04:18:40 the at&t high speed internet experience 04:19:28 and its going again 04:25:56 TIL from anarcat that you can add a prefs.js to a new Firefox profile before the profile exists https://gitlab.com/anarcat/scripts/-/blob/main/firefox-tmp 04:26:16 nulldata: -> #archiveteam-bs ? :) 04:29:40 pabs: ? 04:29:53 re MariaDB 04:30:30 companies being acquired is more on-topic on #archiveteam-bs than here I think 04:32:24 Ah yeah meant to post in -bs 04:35:34 The scroll back in my Lounge instance is gone - had to purge the SQLiteDB because something with it was causing me to not see my PMs 04:35:40 The Lounge-- 04:35:40 -eggdrop- [karma] 'The Lounge' now has -31 karma! 04:52:14 nulldata: I am going to try and repair my SQLite DB cause its causing Ryz the same issue 04:53:40 I tried optimizing, repairing, dumping to a new file, purging out most of the old history, etc. Nothing seemed to work other than blowing it away and letting TL create a new DB file. 04:55:50 Is there an issue open on their github repo? 04:58:53 That is impressive even by TL's standards. 04:59:05 nulldata I had to do exactly the same thing! 04:59:09 the sqlite db was corrupt 04:59:10 Didn't spot any related issues. Last release was in April 04:59:26 why did they change it from on disk text files? no one will ever know 05:01:16 I wonder if the "auto clean" they added is causing corruption. 05:01:22 potentially 05:01:32 I should edit my config to force plaintext logging 05:02:29 Yeah I still have my plaintext logs 05:02:42 lemme just do crimes and install nano in the container because fuck vi :P 05:02:52 nano++ 05:02:54 -eggdrop- [karma] 'nano' now has 1 karma! 05:03:17 https://twitter.com/iSaBeLIiFaKe1/status/1833545511405818262 05:03:17 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/iSaBeLIiFaKe1/status/1833545511405818262 05:06:25 ah excellent I already had text logging enabled 05:06:26 so thats cool 05:26:11 (If anyone files an issue against TL, please let me know.) 06:02:25 vim++ 06:02:25 -eggdrop- [karma] 'vim' now has 1 karma! 06:02:37 vi-- 06:02:38 -eggdrop- [karma] 'vi' now has -1 karma! 06:02:50 (especially busybox vi, ew) 06:58:10 fireonlive++ 06:58:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 245 karma! 06:58:37 fireonlive++ 06:58:38 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 246 karma! 07:08:16 fireonlive++ 07:08:17 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 247 karma! 07:09:18 fireonlive++ 07:09:19 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 248 karma! 07:46:11 Hey 09:39:23 fireonlive++ 09:39:23 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 251 karma! 09:39:24 fireonlive++ 09:39:25 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 252 karma! 09:39:27 fireonlive++ 09:39:28 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 253 karma! 09:39:30 fireonlive++ 09:56:12 fireonlive++ 09:56:12 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 254 karma! 09:56:13 fireonlive++ 09:56:14 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 255 karma! 09:56:37 fireonlive++ 09:56:37 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 256 karma! 09:58:26 256 :D 09:58:54 fireonlive had 75 karma 09:59:04 Now he has 256 09:59:36 fireonlive++ 09:59:36 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 257 karma! 09:59:37 fireonlive++ 09:59:38 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 258 karma! 09:59:40 fireonlive++ 10:03:01 fireonlive++ 10:03:04 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 259 karma! 10:03:22 fireonlive++ 10:03:23 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 260 karma! 10:15:11 fireonlive++ 10:15:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 261 karma! 10:45:13 magmaus3: re the tor exit node thing: IANAL. I don't entirely recall the details but some countries (and I believe DE is one of them) have interesting takes on piracy and copyright. Notably, DE is famous for causing lots of legal issues for anyone hosting any device that provides pirated materials but also for anyone consuming/downloading pirated materials. They don't really 10:45:15 care if it's a tor exit node because, since it's transiting "your" computer, you are still responsible for that data movement. There's a funky carvout here for ISPs but VPNs are somehow not included. 10:47:44 rewby: iirc VPNs also count as internet providers, so they're also not responsible 10:48:02 They do? I recall this being a debate at times 10:48:28 On second thought, might be related to whether you will cooperate with lawenforcement on forwarding to your actual users. 10:48:35 Which TOR operators can't do for obvious reasons 10:48:38 note: most of the stuff i know is from my partner who is german 10:48:39 (Because they physically don't know) 10:48:40 fair 10:52:17 "magmaus3: re the tor exit node..." <- having untrackable internet is really rare due to that. you can still get it at CCC events though. they got the provider privliege somehow and at the same time have zero logging on who connects at the events. And often you get a public IP (too bad that raspis don#t warrior, deploying a few warriors there if it coincides with a burning project could work wonders there). Sailing the high seas 10:52:18 is common there (and you often have destinations in the local net) 10:56:41 CCC has the advantage of industry connections + only operating a few days at a time 11:20:19 yeah. and they know their way around the IT business. you better don't piss them off. they helped on a few of those frivoulous raids to countersue, too. you better don't piss them off 12:33:27 https://labs.watchtowr.com/we-spent-20-to-achieve-rce-and-accidentally-became-the-admins-of-mobi/ wew 12:41:39 "We spent $20 to achieve RCE and accidentally became the admins of .mobi https://labs.watchtowr.com/we-spent-20-to-achieve-rce-and-accidentally-became-the-admins-of-mobi/ " 12:41:40 lol 13:00:42 Nice 13:01:12 I had been wondering how the authoritative WHOIS servers get discovered. A text file at ICANN that gets hardcoded into systems makes a lot of sense. 13:11:18 Er, IANA, not ICANN. 13:12:08 fireonlive++ 13:12:09 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 262 karma! 13:22:02 JAA: The same for root DNS servers 13:22:59 rewby: Yeah, I knew that one, but at least there are only 13 of them and they very rarely change. 13:23:19 Same for WHOIS servers really 13:23:51 But there's one WHOIS server for each TLD, and there are hundreds of TLDs. Or have we reached thousands already? 13:24:37 I suppose they still rarely change, yeah, but new ones get added somewhat regularly thanks to gTLDs. 13:24:50 curl -s https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt | wc -l 13:24:52 1447 13:25:00 Thanks, I hate it. 13:25:26 * katia stares at jaa.zip 13:26:15 my bad, curl -s https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt | grep -v '^#' | wc -l 13:26:17 1446 13:27:35 * JAA is waiting for .exe. 13:37:01 * f_ looks at JAA.exe 13:37:22 virus link 13:38:36 I actually downloaded something I thought was some Amlogic utility 13:38:47 it most likely was, but virustotal said "trojan" lol 13:39:00 Amlogic® Quality™ really 13:39:30 and that's why I don't trust proprietary software 13:48:53 * that_lurker is tempted at paying the 69€ (nice) for jaa.zip and make it redirect to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zstd 13:50:15 http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Zstd 13:52:53 that_lurker: do it! 13:53:14 lol 13:59:16 dns nft 14:01:40 fireonlive++ 14:01:41 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 263 karma! 14:44:26 fireonlive++ 14:44:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 271 karma! 14:44:32 fireonlive++ 14:44:33 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 272 karma! 14:46:19 fireonlive++ 14:46:19 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 273 karma! 14:46:20 fireonlive++ 14:46:21 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 274 karma! 14:46:23 fireonlive++ 14:46:23 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 275 karma! 14:46:25 fireonlive++ 14:46:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 276 karma! 14:46:29 fireonlive++ 14:46:32 fireonlive++ 14:46:32 fireonlive++ 14:46:33 fireonlive++ 14:46:35 fireonlive++ 14:46:36 fireonlive++ 14:46:37 fireonlive++ 14:46:37 fireonlive++ 14:46:37 fireonlive++ 14:48:49 fireonlive++ 14:48:50 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 277 karma! 14:48:52 fireonlive++ 14:48:53 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 278 karma! 14:48:56 fireonlive++ 14:48:57 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 279 karma! 14:49:00 fireonlive++ 14:49:04 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 280 karma! 14:49:57 fireonlive++ 14:50:01 :( 14:50:05 fireonfire++ 14:50:06 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonfire' now has 1 karma! 14:50:15 Fijxu|m: it's fireonlive not fireonfire 14:50:20 fireonfire-- 14:50:23 XD 14:50:29 fireonlive++ 14:50:30 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 281 karma! 14:50:52 if only he could see it 14:50:54 fireonfire-- 14:50:55 What does that even do 14:50:55 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonfire' now has 0 karma! 14:51:05 Fijxu|m: nothing, just 'karma'/score 14:51:13 oh 14:51:17 the bot was owned by fireonlive 14:51:41 and since he passed away :'( we started spamming "fireonlive++" 14:51:52 to give the karma he deserves 14:52:01 D: 14:52:40 :'( 14:52:46 And who owns the bot now 14:52:51 The community? 14:53:24 no one currently 14:53:39 It's just sitting on fireonlive's server 14:53:50 paying the ferryman with irc karma 14:53:53 What? 14:54:00 fireonlive++ 14:54:04 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 282 karma! 14:54:06 fireonlive++ 14:54:06 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 283 karma! 14:54:10 So the bot will just die some day? 14:54:19 Fijxu|m: no 14:54:31 I think steering will take care of it at one point 14:55:40 at least part of him will perhaps live on 15:26:06 fireonlive++ 15:26:08 fireonlive++ 15:26:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 284 karma! 15:26:13 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 285 karma! 15:26:15 fireonlive++ 15:26:16 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 286 karma! 15:26:19 fireonlive++ 15:26:19 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 287 karma! 15:26:21 fireonlive++ 15:43:36 fireonlive++ 15:43:37 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 288 karma! 15:43:39 fireonlive++ 15:43:39 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 289 karma! 15:43:42 fireonlive++ 15:43:43 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 290 karma! 15:43:46 fireonlive++ 15:43:46 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 291 karma! 15:44:02 fireonlive++ 15:44:46 that_lurker - even better, JAA.chat -> https://thelounge.chat/ 15:53:33 If it wasn't a premium domain, I would buy it 16:15:10 just another chat 16:17:25 nulldata: no, JAA.Chat -> ircs://irc.hackint.org/#archiveteamsucks 16:17:35 fireonlive++ 16:17:36 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 292 karma! 16:17:37 funderscore++ 16:17:38 -eggdrop- [karma] 'funderscore' now has 4 karma! 16:17:47 JAA++ 16:17:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'JAA' now has 103 karma! 17:18:34 fireonlive++ 17:18:35 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 293 karma! 17:18:42 fireonlive++ 17:18:43 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 294 karma! 17:20:11 I talked about fireonlive with my therapist today... 17:22:52 >such as phpWHOIS, which conveniently has an Remote Code Execution (RCE) CVE from 2015 for the parsing of WHOIS server responses 17:23:08 how do you manage to have an RCE in PHP parsing text??? are they just using eval or something??? 17:25:04 JAA: *some* whois software is smarter and just follows redirects from other whois servers, that are nicely configure to give such redirects (like whois.iana.org) 17:25:34 steering: Yes, they are using eval. 17:25:38 Or were, anyway. 17:26:07 speaking of security (or lack thereof) 17:26:11 And yeah, there was also a service which used CNAME records to do the redirect via DNS. 17:26:25 https://fortbridge.co.uk/research/feeld-dating-app-nudes-data-publicly-available/ 17:26:32 But that was third party with dubious operators. No idea whether it still exists. 17:50:53 fireonlive++ 17:50:54 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 295 karma! 17:50:58 fireonlive++ 17:50:59 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 296 karma! 17:51:00 fireonlive++ 17:51:09 fireonlive++ 17:51:12 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 297 karma! 17:51:14 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 298 karma! 17:51:25 nicolas17: can't handle that? :( 17:51:44 I will say, you're not alone 18:03:50 fireonlive++ 18:03:50 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 299 karma! 18:03:54 fireonlive++ 18:03:55 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 300 karma! 18:06:05 300 :D 18:06:11 let's get to 350! 18:06:15 fireonlive++ 18:06:15 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 301 karma! 18:06:16 fireonlive++ 18:06:17 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 302 karma! 18:06:18 fireonlive++ 18:06:19 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 303 karma! 18:11:54 fireonlive++ 18:11:54 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 304 karma! 18:11:55 fireonlive++ 18:11:56 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 305 karma! 18:13:25 fireonlive++ 18:13:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 306 karma! 18:13:29 fireonlive++ 18:13:29 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 307 karma! 18:13:33 fireonlive++ 18:13:33 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 308 karma! 18:13:37 fireonlive++ 18:13:37 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 309 karma! 18:15:13 fireonlive++ 18:15:13 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 310 karma! 18:15:15 fireonlive++ 18:15:16 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 311 karma! 18:15:17 fireonlive++ 18:15:27 * eggdrop: please dont flood the karmabot, f_. try again later. 18:16:39 fireonlive++ 18:16:40 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 312 karma! 18:16:42 fireonlive++ 18:16:42 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 313 karma! 18:16:45 fireonlive++ 18:16:45 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 314 karma! 18:16:48 fireonlive++ 18:16:48 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 315 karma! 18:39:20 https://twitter.com/bobtoasters/status/1833619869670985932 18:39:21 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/bobtoasters/status/1833619869670985932 18:46:52 fireonlive++ 18:46:53 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 316 karma! 18:46:58 fireonlive++ 18:46:58 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 317 karma! 18:47:00 fireonlive++ 18:47:05 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 318 karma! 18:48:40 fireonlive++ 18:48:40 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 324 karma! 18:48:43 fireonlive++ 18:48:44 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 325 karma! 18:48:45 fireonlive++ 18:48:46 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 326 karma! 18:48:48 fireonlive++ 18:48:48 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 327 karma! 18:52:48 nicolas17 - We need our ballin' hero to return https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NH1iIL4Q3o 22:25:27 https://futurism.com/the-byte/starliner-new-problems-return-earth 22:28:11 Boeing-- 22:28:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Boeing' now has -2 karma! 22:32:13 Since the end of the stream, I was waiting for what went wrong this time despite appearing fine... Thanks :-) 22:43:22 https://fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240719-01.html 22:44:52 oh I didn't see the date, this is old