02:44:01 https://www.lieffcabraser.com/antitrust/academic-journals/ 02:51:38 yessssssss 03:49:12 https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/09/music-industrys-1990s-hard-drives-like-all-hdds-are-dying/ lol 10:24:43 fireonlive++ 10:24:43 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 378 karma! 10:24:44 fireonlive++ 10:24:45 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 379 karma! 10:24:45 fireonlive++ 10:24:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 380 karma! 12:08:09 > …lawyers picked apart Wright’s claims that some of his computer documents had been typed before 2008, using evidence from font designers. The witnesses testified that some fonts “hadn’t even been created until years after the alleged date of the document”… 12:59:49 heh 13:47:31 that always happens 13:47:34 people are really dumb 13:49:04 > why fraud so hard ;_; 18:01:17 fireonlive++ 18:01:18 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 381 karma! 18:01:46 I haven't commited enough font fraud this month 18:12:48 fireonlive++ 18:12:49 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 382 karma! 19:24:32 fireonlive++ 19:24:33 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 383 karma! 20:24:00 fireonlive++ 20:24:04 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 384 karma! 20:41:21 "Humans are incapable of storing high-quality cryptographic keys and they have unacceptable speed and accuracy when performing cryptographic operations." 20:41:28 I had seen this quote before, but I didn't know that was only the first part 20:41:36 it continues: 20:41:40 "They are also large, expensive to maintain, difficult to manage, and they pollute the environment. It is astonishing that these devices continue to be manufactured and deployed, but they are sufficiently pervasive that we must design our systems around their limitations." 21:07:43 btw if anyone wants to test their "speed and accuracy when performing cryptographic operations": https://liothique.xyz/attached_files/ManuelAES_t.pdf 21:42:28 rc4 might be easier to do by hand... but that's rc4 21:42:47 it's like: discard the first 2048 bytes :p 21:46:19 note following all that PDF will let you encrypt a single 16-byte block 21:46:48 of course 21:46:59 where's ecb when you need it :p 21:47:20 I wonder how hard it would be to do RSA by hand 21:47:37 like, with real-world key sizes 21:48:27 multiplication of long numbers would be a slow and painful O(n²) process, but I don't know how I would even do modular exp 21:51:56 at least you need to do the smart way with squaring (just like computers does). The real question is if you want to have OAEP or PKCS#1 1.5 :p 21:57:18 i had a teacher mention that md4 was so fast to create collisions you could do them by hand 21:57:47 yes I think you can do them with 2 or 3 md4 evaluations, it's very broken 21:57:50 and that was back in 2014 21:58:38 md2 has better collision resistance 21:59:14 that's why NTLM still uses it? :p 21:59:20 (md4) 21:59:40 md4 is as secure as crc32 nowadays :) 22:00:26 NTLM was made by idiots, why the fuck would they split the password in halves and hash them separately 23:02:03 :-) 23:02:14 because some three letter agency told them so? 23:02:40 hanlon's razor 23:02:42 this is some obvious security by obscurity