05:13:10 https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2024-September/021855.html German LEO working on de-anonymising .onion services, successfully 05:13:35 "law enforcement agencies used so-called timing analyses and broad and long-term monitoring of Tor nodes in data centres." 07:03:04 not particularly surprising, tor explicitly provides no protection against timing attacks 07:05:15 it sounds like this is about de-anonymizing hidden services (which sounds easier) rather than users at least 22:48:08 JAA: meanwhile https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXywouaXIAAkykd.png 22:48:41 >advance notice to mirrors for 8.2GiB 22:48:44 lol 23:28:23 Ubuntu is the new RHEL