02:12:19 fanfiction.net has been replaced by boilerplate (but m.fanfiction.net is still accessible and seems to retain all content). are we on this? sorry, i've not been online lately 02:18:55 hm, actually, so is www.fanfiction.net. (ditto for sister site fictionpress.com.) 02:21:31 no relevant messages on the fictionpress twitter account, so this may just be another step on ffn's long slow slide into brokenness. unfortunately they still seem to be behind the cloudflare protection that's dissuaded us from doing anything useful so far :/ 02:21:45 I've been wanting to archive FFN for a while, but they still employ an aggressive Buttflare config that makes accessing the actual content very difficult. 20:44:56 Could someone grab https://gielberkers.com/ last blog post was 2017 and the cert has expired 2020 20:45:37 thanks 20:58:19 that_lurker: #archiveteam-bs for such requests please. This is intended for 'ohshit this is shutting down' and announcements. 20:59:50 JAA: Sorry. I didn't double check on what channel I was