14:02:41 https://www.si.com/ - The Arena Group, the company who writes Sports Illustrated, just laid off their entire SI staff after loosing their license to publish from the brand owner. Not sure what this means yet for the website and it's current content. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/sports-illustrated-entire-staff-told-181704337.html 21:40:49 apparently adf.ly is closing down, or has already closed down, I'm uncertain 22:26:12 https://www.acronymfinder.com/ nothing really indicates this site is in danger per say, but as far as i can find this site hasn't been meaningfully updated since something like 2010, making me wonder if it's semi abandoned 23:42:21 akaibu|m: Some people seem happy to keep on hosting sites they don't update for decades (due to the limited amount of work required to keep hosting a static site once it's setup), so I doubt it'll go offline soon. 23:43:37 (further discussion in #archiveteam-bs please)