21:10:23 Could someone put https://vidogsans.dk/ in AB? Company behind fired all the journalists last year, but for some reason the site is still online. No telling when it will shut down for good. 21:12:22 wickerz: done 21:13:04 ty pokechu22 21:38:20 https://twitter.com/LambdaGen/status/1783228906813759755 21:38:34 a lot of stuff at risk, a lot probably already gone too 21:42:14 Sadly as far as I know there is no easy way to download stuff from the workshop as the maps and such as you subscribe and then steam client downloads it as a part of the game 21:46:10 > Nintendo content to be removed from @gmodofficial Steam Workshop following takedown request 21:47:56 there is some speculation that it could be fraudulent as this apparently has happened before, but i feel like they wouldnt make an announcement if they hadnt confirmed it 21:48:18 → #outofsteam for further discussion