00:27:39 nicolas17 JAA yeah that site sucks sorry 07:53:21 Has anyone reported the situation with romhacking.net? 08:00:53 Apparently the site is "winding down" and becoming a ROM hacking news-only site, and is no longer accepting any new hacks.  Some reports on reddit suggest the copy of their ROM hack database on Internet archive is very incomplete.  I'm not sure how long the site has left, even as an archive of ROM hacks. 12:14:57 randomguy707: didn't the farewell message say they sent the content to archive.org? 12:18:31 ymgve: the dump is incomplete 15:11:40 I thought Nintendo would have been the reason they would soon shut down 22:45:30 Hi, I would like you to archive the entire site of this cartoon network site. Cause Cartoon Network's website has been shut down today. here is the link to it: (i.cartoonnetwork.com). 22:47:59 BOSC2000: how do we know the contents of i.cartoonnetwork.com? 22:51:31 nicolas17 I think it's a static website of the cartoon network website with the games, videos, etc. 22:51:49 but it doesn't have a public file listing so how would we get the URLs to archive? 22:53:15 nicolas17 I'm not sure, maybe you can ask someone else or something cause I'm new this this IIRC site. 22:53:59 to this * 22:56:45 #archiveteam-bs and I can chime in a bit