pabsI sent a PR adding lobste.rs (similar to HN but smaller) to urls-sources, is that reasonable? can the PR get merged?
datechnomanRunning so much cleaner now for the past 12+ hours. Thanks rewby|backup :)
rewby|backupdatechnoman: I did nothing. Looked at the servers and they looked fine.
rewby|backupThis is why i ask you to just keep slamming it
rewby|backupThat way i can see where the bottlenecks are
rewby|backupAnd it's not causing a significant delays
rewby|backupBecause the "errors" are just the way it applies backpressure
rewby|backupNet throughput on my end doesn't change
rewby|backupYes it has thundering herd. That's intended
datechnomanInteresting and weird. It was super choppy for few days on the worker side
datechnomanAhh well. It came good. Whatever lol
datechnoman*throws hands in the air*
datechnomanTake the win :P
rewby|backupAs I said, don't back off if that happens. Just let me know and I can figure out where it goes wrong
rewby|backupIf i need some backoff i have controls on the tracker to do that
datechnomanNo worries at all. Will do :)
rewby|backupUsually it's an intermix of targets shared between projects
rewby|backupAnd things fluctuate
datechnomanWhich makes total sense. No point dedicated servers to projects as they go up and down depending on what is being processed
rewbyThe real tldr is that I need to find the time to unfuck my monitoring
rewbydatechnoman: It does look like optane9 is having some load issues
rewbyAlthough it's uploading at 5gbps
datechnomanYeah monitoring would be good. Makin me feel like im crazy lol
datechnomanOptane is beast
rewby|backupYeah, I'm exploring options for a other similar box
rewby|backupBut that's at least a month or so out
datechnomanSounds like a great plan. Everything costs money and time so all good. Good to know a plan is in the works as im sure the demand is just going to keep increasing over time