JAAVery insight, much wow.
h2ibotTaka edited Deathwatch (+600, /* 2024 */ Added ODN and SYNAPSE): wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49840&oldid=49838
Hans5958Is there a way to resolve this, or a way to cancel my changes just so I can redo it with the new one?
JAAHans5958: URLTeam? I can reject them, yeah.
Hans5958JAA: Yeah, please do
JAASorry, merging on MediaWiki is a bit of a pain, and I haven't had time for it.
JAA(... nor anyone else with access, apparently.)
Hans5958Did the new changes, btw which one should be put on "'Official' shorteners"? I saw the cern one not inside of it, and I saw w.wiki not inside of it, but not fav.me
h2ibotHans5958 edited URLTeam (-250, Formatting changes): wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49841&oldid=49822
masterx244|mgah... some samplng on older projects on planetminecraft showed a few 404s already, old dropbox links there are already broken sometimes. still on the discovery crawl. Also: found photosucket links, too already
h2ibotHans5958 edited URLTeam (+563, New shorteners): wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49842&oldid=49841
yts98I wrote a seesaw script for LINE BLOG: github.com/yts98/lineblog-grab
yts98Where should I go to propose a project?
c3manuHey, I’m mourning the loss of a few beloved online resources recently and am since falling into the web archive rabbit hole. I was wondering if I could get access to the archivebot so I can save other websites/social media profiles from disappearing forever as well.
Bartoc3manu: archivebot stuffs happens on #archivebot, don't hesitate to just ask anyone with access to do it for you.
c3manuBarto: ok thanks, I assumed this channel was for those questions, too.
Bartoimho both are fine
Bartoit's more chatty over #archivebot, so it's more likely your message will be missed
c3manuOkay, I have two lists I would like to throw into the archive bot. A bunch of personal websites/portfolios that haven’t been archived before, and respectively some culture/educational resources which can be a bit bigger (esp. the first 4 entries)